Share the Treasure of Likkutei Sichos

Likkutei Sichos for Communities

Likkutei Sichos – a treasured collection of Divrei Torah on the parsha, contains the transformative Torah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that has the koach to inspire the learner on a journey of spiritual growth.  Now, for the first time ever, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English and accessible to everyone. 

We at Sichos in English, have taken upon ourselves the ambitious goal of bringing Likkutei Sichos to Jewish communities across North America by ensuring that shuls and libraries across the nation have a set of Selections of Likkutei Sichos.

You can help us reach our goal with your support that will enable us to offer shuls a competitive rate. The set will be prominently displayed in shuls, available for even more Torah students to explore.

Campaign progress


Communities Impacted

Sefarim Distributed

join the campaign

Give the gift of connection, inspiration, clarity, depth

Adopt a Shul


Sponsor a set of Likkutei Sichos for a shul of your choice, or let us help find one in need.

Ignite a Community


Bring the light of Likkutei Sichos to a community with six sponsored sets, inspiring learning and connection.

Transform a City


Empower a city with twelve sets of Likkutei Sichos, fostering a network of study, growth, and unity.

30 years since gimmel tammuz

YOU can help us put Likkutei Sichos in every Jewish Community

Sharing the original works of Chabad Rebbeim

Our mission is to present the teachings of Chabad Chassidus in an organized, relevant, and accessible manner, opening the inner wellsprings of Torah to the broadest audiences.